Structurally simplified GCMO crossbar design for artificial synaptic networks


Antola Anni1ORCID,Angervo Ilari1ORCID,Huhtinen Hannu1ORCID,Miettinen Mikko2ORCID,Schulman Alejandro13ORCID,Paturi Petriina1ORCID


1. Wihuri Physical Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku 1 , Turku FI-20014, Finland

2. Laboratory of Materials Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku 2 , Turku FI-20014, Finland

3. Facultad de Ciencias, University of Salamanca 3 , 37008 Salamanca, Spain


Harnessing the full power of memristors as artificial synapses demands a simple and scalable crossbar architecture enabling their seamless integration into diverse applications. This Letter presents the 3×3 memristor crossbar array configuration featuring a grid of interconnected devices. The composition includes Al as the reactive top electrode connecting the device columns and Gd1−xCaxMnO3 (GCMO, x=0.8) serving as the bottom electrode connecting the device rows as well as the memristive material eliminating the need for additional layers and fabrication steps. Controlled-sized vias through insulating the Al2O3 layer connect the electrodes forming the active interface. The idea is validated with a test sample of 3×3 crossbars with the Au/GCMO/Al structure, Au enabling Ohmic contact to GCMO, with device resistive switching ratios mostly around 102 and yield of over 90%. The devised crossbar structure could provide a highly scalable, yet simple, geometry suitable for synaptic networks.


Research Council of Finland

Business Finland

Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto

Suomen Kulttuurirahasto

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AIP Publishing







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