1. The earliest quantitative results are those of H. Rubin in J. Berkowitz, H. Grad, and H. Rubin,Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy(United Nations, Geneva, 1958), Vol. 31, p. 177.
2. H. Grad and H. Rubin, inProceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy(United Nations, Geneva, 1958), Vol. 31, p. 190.
3. Taylor’s problem is a microscopic rather than our macroscopic one, but the principle is exactly the same (and we shall apply these results to Taylor’s problem in a paper to follow).
4. Convergence in certain special cases (two-dimensional or axial symmetry) can be verified without difficulty (M. Schechter, unpublished).