1. Pranoto, D. A. Himawanto, and A. F. Faisal, “The effect of various heating rate and final temperature towards heating value and activation energy on rice husk pyrolysis,” 13th Jt. Conf. Chem. (13th JCC), 2019.
2. B. Nurhayati and D. A. Himawanto, “a renewable energy potential Pyrolysis Sengon (Paraserianthe Falcatari) as a Renewable Energy Potential,” 3rd Int. Semin. Chem., vol. 020032, no. December, 2018.
3. Wijianto, Sarjito, and D. A. Himawanto, “The effect of variation number of holes on burner cap of TLUD gasification stove The effect of variation number of holes on burner cap of TLUD gasification stove,” Int. Conf. Eng. Appl. Technol., 2018.
4. M. M. Alnakhlani, D. A. Himawanto, A. Alkurtehi, and D. Danardono, “Effect of the Bucket and Nozzle Dimension on the Performance of a Pelton Water Turbine,” Mod. Appl. Sci., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25–33, 2015.
5. D. A. Himawanto, D. D. D. P. Tjahjana, and Hantarum, “Experimental study on optimization of curvature blade impeller pump as turbine which functioned as power plant picohydro,” International Conf. Eng. Sci. Nanotechnol. 2016 (ICESNANO 2016), vol. 030008, no. January, 2017.