Dust–ion–acoustic damped solitary waves and shocks in laboratory and Saturn's E-ring magnetized nonthermal dusty plasmas with anisotropic ion pressure and dust-charge fluctuation


Acharya Num Prasad12ORCID,Basnet Suresh1ORCID,Misra Amar P.3ORCID,Khanal Raju1ORCID


1. Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University 1 , Kirtipur, Kathmandu 44613, Nepal

2. Department of Physics, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University 2 , Ghorahi 22415, Dang, Nepal

3. Department of Mathematics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati University 3 , Santiniketan 731 235, India


We study the oblique propagation of weakly nonlinear dust–ion–acoustic (DIA) solitary waves (SWs) and shocks in collisional magnetized nonthermal dusty plasmas that are relevant in laboratory and space (Saturn's E-ring) environments. We consider plasmas to be composed of q-nonextensive hot electrons, thermal positive ions, and immobile negatively charged dust grains immersed in a static magnetic field and take into account the effects of ion creation (source), ion loss (sink), ion–neutral and ion–dust collisions, anisotropic ion pressure, and dust-charge fluctuations on the evolution of small-amplitude SWs and shocks. The ion–neutral collision enhancement equilibrium dust-charge number is self-consistently determined using Newton–Raphson method. We found that in laboratory dusty plasmas with adiabatic dust-charge variation [i.e., when the dust charging frequency (νch) is much higher than the dust–plasma oscillation frequency (ωpd)], the DIA solitary waves (DIASWs) get damped by the effects of the ion–dust and ion–neutral collisions, whereas the ion creation and ion loss lead to the amplification of solitary waves, and they appear as only compressive types with positive potential. On the other hand, in Saturn's E-ring plasmas, where the collisional and ion creation or ion loss effects are insignificant, the non-adiabaticity of dust-charge variation can give rise to the evolution of either damped DIASWs or DIA shocks, depending on the smallness of the ratios νch/ωpd or ωpd/νch, respectively. Furthermore, two critical values of the nonextensive parameter q exist, below (or above) which, the DIASWs and shocks can appear as rarefactive (or compressive) types. The characteristics of DIASWs and shocks are also analyzed numerically for parameters relevant to the laboratory and Saturn's E-ring plasmas.


University Grants Commission- Nepal

Research Coordination and Developement Council, Tribhuvan University


AIP Publishing








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