1. U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development. ’’Natural disasters and sustainable development-understanding the links between development, environment, and natural disasters.’’ Background document for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, http://www.unisdr.org
2. BPS (2020) The number of tourists visiting Indonesia in December 2019. https://www.bps.go.id/pressrelease/2020/02/03/1711/jumlah-kunjungan-wisman-ke-indonesia-desember-2019-mencapai-1-38-juta-kunjungan-.html (accessed March 18, 2023).
3. WEF (2021) Travel and Tourism Development Index 2021 Edition, Economy Profile: Indonesia. https://www.weforum.org/reports/travel-and-tourism-development-index-2021/explore-the-data#report-nav (accessed March 18, 2023).
4. Critical point on housing construction, resilience and family subjective welfare after disaster: Notes from the Lombok, Indonesia, earthquake sequence of July-August 2018