Role of edge-localized neoclassical tearing modes in quiescent H-mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak


Hu Q. M.1ORCID,Nazikian R.2ORCID,Chen X.2ORCID,Yu Q.3ORCID,Austin M. E.4ORCID,Bortolon A.1ORCID,Ernst D.5,Haskey S. R.1ORCID,Park J.-K.1ORCID,Yan Z.6ORCID,Yu G. Y.7ORCID


1. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 1 , Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0451, USA

2. General Atomics 2 , P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, California 92186-5608, USA

3. Max-Plank-Institut fur Plasmaphysik 3 , 85748 Garching, Germany

4. The University of Texas at Austin 4 , Austin, Texas 78712, USA

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 , Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

6. University of Wisconsin-Madison 6 , Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

7. University of California at Davis 7 , Davis, California 95616, USA


The edge-harmonic oscillations (EHOs) in standard quiescent H-mode (QH-mode) plasmas in DIII-D are consistent with edge-localized neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) based on nonlinear two-fluid MHD simulations. Using kinetic equilibria constrained by edge profile measurements, the MHD simulations show that the n = 1 NTM and its harmonics can be destabilized at the pedestal top of QH-mode plasma by the edge bootstrap current. The simulations further show that the unstable NTMs can saturate either at small (<2% ψN) or large (>4% ψN) island width depending on the magnitude of the edge bootstrap current, where ψN is the normalized radius in poloidal flux. The onset of the EHO also results in a prompt decrease in the pedestal width and height, consistent with simulation results for the onset of the NTM at the top of the QH-mode pedestal. This suggests that the avoidance of edge-localized modes (ELMs) in QH-mode can be attributed to the enhanced local transport induced by the NTM that is sufficient to prevent the expansion of the pedestal to an unstable width, analogous to the mechanism explored for ELM suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations. Nonlinear MHD simulations scanning the E × B frequency and the ratio of parallel and perpendicular thermal diffusivity (χǁ/χ⊥) at the pedestal top show that edge-localized NTMs are destabilized for conditions of high E × B frequency, high pedestal temperature, and low pedestal density, qualitatively consistent with experimental conditions required for observing the EHO.


Fusion Energy Sciences


AIP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics







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