1. E. Umar, Thermo hydraulic studies on nuclear research reactors using cylinder-fueled, Doctoral Program Dissertation, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 2007
2. Fluid Flow Characteristic Simulation of the Original TRIGA 2000 Reactor Design Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Code
3. E. Umar and R. Fiantini, Modification of the Core Cooling System of TRIGA 2000 Reactor, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, 1244 (1) 224–231.
4. E. Umar, K. Kamajaya, N.P. Tandian, T. Hardianto and A. Suwono, An Experimental Study of Natural Convection in the Hottest Channel of TRIGA 2000 kW, Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, 2006, p. 480, Australian Nuclear Association.
5. TRIGA-2000 Research Reactor Thermal-hydraulic Analysis using RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4