1. W. C. Nunnally, “Fundamental limits on pulse power systems power density and the resulting component specifications,” Proceedings of the 2nd Japan-U.S. symposium on pulsed power and plasma applications, Aug. 4, 2004, Maui, HI (unpublished).
2. G. M. Loubriel, M. W. O’Malley, and F. J. Zutavern, in Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, VA, 1987, edited by P. J. Truchi and B. H. Bernstein (IEEE, New York, 1987), p. 145.
3. W. C. Nunnally, “Critical component requirement for compact pulse power system architectures,” Proceedings of the 26th International power symposium and high voltage workshop, May 23–26, 2004, San Francisco, CA (unpublished).
4. Characterization of a semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch for ultrawide band high power microwave applications