1. M. I. Eremets,High Pressure Experimental Methods(Oxford University, Oxford, U.K., 1996).
2. The number of technical papers, review papers, book chapters, and books covering different high-pressure methods are so numerous so that for the purposes of this article it would be impossible to provide an accurate list. Therefore, we have selected a recent publication (see Ref. 1), and all its references within, to describe the available high-pressure experimental techniques. The reader is encouraged to only use this book for the purposes of beginning their literature search on the topic. The book organization enables the reader to find many of the relevant reference articles and will provide an efficient method of discerning currently available experimental methods.
3. The Effect of Pressure on the Thermal Conductivity of Metals
4. Influenza della pressione sulla conducibilità calorifica ed elettrica dei metalli e la legge di Wiedemann-Franz
5. F. P. Incropera and D. P. De Witt,Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer(Wiley, New York, 1990).