1. J. Orwat, "Possibility of using the smoothed spline functions in approximation of average course of terrain inclinations caused by underground mining exploitation conducted at medium depth", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2018), art. No. 012029.
2. J. Orwat, "Appraisal of application possibilities of smoothed splines to designation of the average values of terrain curvatures measured after the termination of hard coal exploitation conducted at medium depth", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 (2018), art. No. 012030.
3. J. Orwat, "Relation between the theoretical and average observed curvatures of mining terrain", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 477 (2019), art. No. 012043.
4. J. Orwat, "Linear regression equation of mining terrain curvatures caused by hard coal excavation from a few seams and their approximated values by the use of smoothed spline", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 477 (2019), art. No. 012042.
5. J. Orwat and R. Mielimąka, "Approximation of average course of measured curvatures of mining area with reference to their forecast values by Bialek's formulas", AIP Conference Proceedings 1863 (2017), art. No. 130003.