1. J. B. Taylor, inPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1977), Vol. II, p. 323.
2. W. Horton, Jr., D. W. Ross, W. M. Tang, H. L. Berk, E. A. Frieman, R. E. LaQuey, R. V. Lovelace, S. M. Mahajan, M. N. Rosenbluth, and P. H. Rutherford, inPlasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research(International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1975), Vol. I, p. 541.
3. Critical shear and growth rates for drift waves in a nonuniform current-carrying plasma
4. Drift wave stability of inverted gradient profiles in tokamaks
5. Two-dimensional spatial structure of the dissipative trapped-electron mode