1. J. Berkowitz, K. O. Friedrichs, H. Grad, J. Killeen, and E. Rubin, Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva,31, p. 171 (1958).
2. H. Grad, Atomic Energy Commission Report, NYO-7969, 1957 (unpublished).
3. Hartland Snyder, private communication to J. L. Tuck, quoted in “Conference on controlled thermonuclear reactions held at Princeton University, Oct. 17–20, 1955,” Atomic Energy Commission Report, TID-7503, February 1956, p. 168.
4. Plasma Jet Piercing of Magnetic Fields and Entropy Trapping into a Conservative System
5. Multistage Magnetic Compression of Highly Ionized Plasma