Neutral gas pressure dependence of ion–ion mutual neutralization rate constants using Landau–Zener theory coupled with trajectory simulations


Liu Zhibo1,Roy Mrittika1ORCID,DeYonker Nathan J.2ORCID,Gopalakrishnan Ranganathan1ORCID


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Memphis 1 , Memphis, Tennessee 38152, USA

2. Department of Chemistry, The University of Memphis 2 , Memphis, Tennessee 38152, USA


In this computational study, we describe a self-consistent trajectory simulation approach to capture the effect of neutral gas pressure on ion–ion mutual neutralization (MN) reactions. The electron transfer probability estimated using Landau–Zener (LZ) transition state theory is incorporated into classical trajectory simulations to elicit predictions of MN cross sections in vacuum and rate constants at finite neutral gas pressures. Electronic structure calculations with multireference configuration interaction and large correlation consistent basis sets are used to derive inputs to the LZ theory. The key advance of our trajectory simulation approach is the inclusion of the effect of ion-neutral interactions on MN using a Langevin representation of the effect of background gas on ion transport. For H+ − H− and Li+ − H(D)−, our approach quantitatively agrees with measured speed-dependent cross sections for up to ∼105 m/s. For the ion pair Ne+ − Cl−, our predictions of the MN rate constant at ∼1 Torr are a factor of ∼2 to 3 higher than the experimentally measured value. Similarly, for Xe+ − F− in the pressure range of ∼20 000–80 000 Pa, our predictions of the MN rate constant are ∼20% lower but are in excellent qualitative agreement with experimental data. The paradigm of using trajectory simulations to self-consistently capture the effect of gas pressure on MN reactions advanced here provides avenues for the inclusion of additional nonclassical effects in future work.


U.S. Department of Energy

National Science Foundation


AIP Publishing


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy







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