1. Analysis of the effect of spindle speed on the quality of yarn on the spinning machine and use of the Android application in the analysis
2. Tulaganova, M. V. (2022). Development of technological parameters that ensure the stability of "Siro" yarn twists. Abstract diss, 5.
3. Onarboev, B. O., Tulaganova, M. T., & Isakulov, V. T. (2019). Improving the sealing protection of equipment in spinning machines. International journal of advanced research in Science engineering and technology, 6(6), 9571–9576.
4. M.V. Tulaganova, S.L. Matismailov, V.T. Isakulov "Investigation of the influence of the spacing of roving compactors on yarn quality indicators in the production of "Siro" yarn" Textile Journal of Uzbekistan №3/2022.
5. Tulaganova, M. V., & Isakulov, V. T. Analysis Of Fiber Tension In Twisting Triangle In Siro Yarn Production. Tashkent 2022, 342.