1. Department of Physics, Morgan State University , Baltimore, Maryland 21251, USA
Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to study the precessional dynamics of magnetization in thin film heterostructures. It provides valuable information about the mechanisms of exchange bias, spin angular momentum transfer across interfaces, and excitation of magnons. A key desirable feature of FMR spectrometers is the capability to study magnetization dynamics over a wide phase space of temperature (T), frequency (f), and magnetic field (B). The design, fabrication, and testing of such a spectrometer, which uses frequency modulation techniques for improved detection of microwave absorption, reduces heat load in the cryostat and allows simultaneous measurements of inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) induced dc voltages, is described in this paper. The apparatus is based on a 2-port transmitted microwave signal measurement using a grounded co-planar waveguide. The input radio frequency (RF) signal, frequency modulated at a tunable f-band, excites spin precession in the sample, and the attenuated RF signal is measured phase sensitively. The sample stage, inserted in the bore of a superconducting solenoid, allows magnetic field and temperature variability of 0 to ±5 T and 2–310 K, respectively. We demonstrate the working of this Cryo-FMR and ISHE spectrometer on thin films of Ni80Fe20 and Fe60Co20B20 over a wide T, B, and f phase space.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering