1. James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago , 929 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
Colloidal quantum dots are of increasing interest for mid-infrared detection and emission, but device performances will vastly benefit from reducing the non-radiative recombination. Empirically, the photoluminescence quantum yield decreases exponentially toward the mid-infrared, which appears similar to the energy gap law known for molecular fluorescence in the near-infrared. For molecules, the mechanism is electron–vibration coupling and fast internal vibrational relaxation. Here, we explore the possible mechanisms for inorganic quantum dots. The primary mechanism is assigned to an electric dipole near-field energy transfer from the quantum dot electronic transitions to the infrared absorption of surface organic ligands and then to the multiphonon absorption of the quantum dot inorganic core or the surrounding inorganic matrix. In order to obtain luminescent quantum dots in the 3–10 μm range, we motivate the importance of using inorganic matrices, which have a higher infrared transparency compared to organic materials. At longer wavelengths, inter-quantum dot energy transfer is noted to be much faster than radiative relaxation, indicating that bright mid-infrared colloidal quantum dot films might then benefit from dilution.