Use of FLOSIC for understanding anion-solvent interactions


Pederson Mark R.1ORCID,Withanage Kushantha P. K.1ORCID,Hooshmand Zahra1ORCID,Johnson Alex I.1ORCID,Baruah Tunna1ORCID,Yamamoto Yoh1ORCID,Zope Rajendra R.1ORCID,Kao Der-You2ORCID,Shukla Priyanka B.3,Johnson J. Karl3ORCID,Peralta Juan E.4ORCID,Jackson Koblar A.4ORCID


1. Physics Department, University of Texas at El Paso 1 , El Paso, Texas 79968, USA

2. NASA Postdoctoral Program, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2 , Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA

3. Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh 3 , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261, USA

4. Physics Department, Central Michigan University 4 , Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA


An Achille’s heel of lower-rung density-functional approximations is that the highest-occupied-molecular-orbital energy levels of anions, known to be stable or metastable in nature, are often found to be positive in the worst case or above the lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital levels on neighboring complexes that are not expected to accept charge. A trianionic example, [Cr(C2O4)3]3−, is of interest for constraining models linking Cr isotope ratios in rock samples to oxygen levels in Earth’s atmosphere over geological timescales. Here we describe how crowd sourcing can be used to carry out self-consistent Fermi–Löwdin–Orbital-Self-Interaction corrected calculations (FLOSIC) on this trianion in solution. The calculations give a physically correct description of the electronic structure of the trianion and water. In contrast, uncorrected local density approximation (LDA) calculations result in approximately half of the anion charge being transferred to the water bath due to the effects of self-interaction error. Use of group-theory and the intrinsic sparsity of the theory enables calculations roughly 125 times faster than our initial implementation in the large N limit reached here. By integrating charge density densities and Coulomb potentials over regions of space and analyzing core-level shifts of the Cr and O atoms as a function of position and functional, we unambiguously show that FLOSIC, relative to LDA, reverses incorrect solute-solvent charge transfer in the trianion-water complex. In comparison to other functionals investigated herein, including Hartree–Fock and the local density approximation, the FLOSIC Cr 1s eigenvalues provide the best agreement with experimental core ionization energies.


Department of Energy


AIP Publishing


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy

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