1. R. Prater, K. H. Burrell, S. Ejima, G. L. Jahns, S. H. Lin, C. P. Moeller, and the DIII Physics Group, submitted to Nucl. Fusion.
2. V. V. Alikaev, Yu. I. Arsentiev, A. A. Bagdasarov, E. L. Berezovsky, A. A. Borshegovskij, V. V. Buzankin, N. L. Vasin, A. E. Verin, A. N. Vertiporokh, V. A. Vershkov, N. M. Gegechkori, E. P. Gorbunov, A. V. Gorshkov, Yu. V. Esipchuk, S. L. Efremov, V. S. Zaveryaev, A. Ya. Kislov, Yu. Yu. Korzhavin, K. M. Likin, S. Yu. Lukyanov, S. Yu. Medvedev, V. S. Mukhovatov, G. E. Notkin, A. B. Pimenov, I. A. Popov, K. A. Razumova, V. V. Rozhdestvenskij, M. M. Stepanenko, V. S. Strelkov, A. V. Tarakanov, V. M. Trukhin, V. G. Usov, V. A. Hyagin, I. N. Khromkov, V. I. Chepizhko, S. M. Egorov, B. V. Kuteev, and V. Yu. Sergeev, inProceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1984, London(IAEA, Vienna, 1985), Vol. 1, p. 419.
3. V. V. Alikaev and V. V. Parail, inProceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Rome, 1984(Monotypia Franchi, Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy, 1984), p. 753.
4. Penetration of high-frequency waves into a weakly inhomogeneous magnetized plasma at oblique incidence and their transformation to Bernstein modes
5. Wave Trajectory and Electron-Cyclotron Heating in Toroidal Plasmas