The Universality of Palliative Care Philosophy


Gielen JorisORCID


The modern hospice movement, which is the origin of what is now known as palliative care, derived strong inspiration from Christianity. Given this original Christian inspiration, the global spread of palliative care even to countries where Christianity is only a minority religion may look surprising. In line with the theory of the “secularization of hospice,” it could be argued that palliative care has spread globally because its underlying philosophy has become secular, allowing it to become universal. However, given the continuing importance of religion in many areas of palliative care, we could wonder how secular contemporary palliative care really is. This article argues that the universality of palliative care philosophy resides in its susceptibility to contextualization. Palliative care has become a global success story because people all over the world committed to palliative care’s principles and ideas have contextualized these and developed models of palliative care delivery and even philosophy that are adapted to the local socio-economic and cultural-religious contexts. This article analyzes palliative care in India to illustrate this point, describing contextualized models of palliative care delivery and showing that palliative care physicians and nurses in India draw inspiration from their local context and religiosity.


Universidad Militar Nueva Granada







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