The design of efficient autonomous navigation systems for mobile robots or autonomous vehicles is fundamental to perform the programmed tasks. Basically, two kind of sensors are used in urban road following: LIDAR and cameras. LIDAR sensors are highly accurate but expensive and extra work is needed for human understanding of the point cloud scenes; however, visual content is understood better by human beings, which should be used to develop human-robot interfaces. In this work, a computer vision-based urban road following software tool called AutoNavi3AT for mobile robots and autonomous vehicles is presented. The urban road following scheme proposed in AutoNavi3AT uses vanishing point estimation and tracking on panoramic images to control the mobile robot heading on the urban road. To do that, Gabor filters, region growing, and particle filters were used. In addition, laser range data are also employed for local obstacle avoidance. Quantitative results were achieved using two kind of tests, one uses datasets acquired at the Universidad del Valle campus, and field tests using a Pioneer 3AT mobile robot. As a result, important improvements in the vanishing point estimation of 68.26 % and 61.46 % in average were achieved, which is useful for mobile robots and autonomous vehicles when they are moving on urban roads.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
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