Leadership and Emotional Intelligence during a Crisis


Aguilar Yuste ManuelORCID


Currently, a company’s success not only depends on having the capital, tools, knowledge, and services to offer to a specific audience. It depends mainly on the emotional intelligence of its organizational leaders to achieve harmony in leader-team interpersonal relationships and fulfill its goals and objectives. Therefore, it is pertinent to contribute to this field of research by exploring the environment where these types of human relationships occur. Managerial leaders who apply emotional intelligence strategies make a company’ excellent management visible and viable; these leaders are responsible for influencing others, molding groups as needed. The daily interaction between leader and employees is dynamic, and one way or another arises from following certain types of leadership found within the structure. Nevertheless, we are living in challenging times due to a global pandemic, where new emotions and skills must be managed, particularly by the leader. Any event of this magnitude has its consequences, especially if we talk about a virus that has caused a health crisis and continues to cause the death of thousands of people. These repercussions encompass several areas, such as the economy, health, education, and society. Albert Einstein used to say that the tone of the century is set in its first twenty-five years, so it is essential to build the foundations of a new society marked by new social leadership.


Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

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