1. Russian Metrological Institute of Technical Physics and Radio Engineering
One of the key parts of laser system of atomic gravimeter based on cold atoms is investigated. In order to construct optical system of atomic gravimeter the laser offset frequency stabilization is needed. Method for frequencydoubled fiber laser’s offset frequency stabilization is suggested and developed. This method is based on modulation transfer spectroscopy and the usage of fiber electro-optical modulator. The experimental scheme of this method is described. The error signals for offset frequency stabilization of frequency-doubled fiber laser are obtained. In order to maximize error signal’s amplitude, experimental parameters such as cell’s temperature, pump and probe beam intensities and electrooptical modulators signal amplitudes are optimized. The influence of polarization on error signal’s amplitude is investigated. It is shown that circular polarization allows to achieve error signal with higher amplitude. The achieved results can be applied to the construction of quantum gravimeter, quantum frequency standards and to the laser cooling experiments.
FSUE VNIIMS All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service