Photoneutron sources spectra calculation


Moiseev Nikolaj N.1,Kruglov Evgenij M.1,Didyk Andrej V.1


1. D. I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology


The issues of increasing the accuracy of determining the average energy and the type of energy distribution (shape of the spectrum) of neutrons from Sb-Be- and Ra-Be-sources are considered. The indicated photoneutron sources are used to calibrate the energy scales of neutron spectrometers and to determine the energy dependence of the sensitivity of radiometers and neutron dosimeters. A method is proposed for calculating the energy spectra of radionuclide neutron sources of the Sb-Be (γ, n) and Ra-Be (γ, n) types, and the calculation results are presented. The dependence of the spectrum of the source on its design is investigated. The correctness of the results of calculating the energy spectra of radionuclide sources has been confirmed experimentally. The data obtained will be used to determine the energy dependence of the sensitivity of neutron spectrometers, radiometers and dosimeters.


FSUE VNIIMS All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service


General Medicine

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