1. P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS
The future space experiment «Sun-Terahertz» is aimed at studying the Sun in the unexplored terahertz range, obtaining new data on the terahertz radiation of the Sun, solar active regions and solar flares. The scientific equipment being developed is a set of eight detectors sensitive to radiation of various frequencies in the range 0.4–12.0 THz. The Golay cell optoacoustic receiver was used as a sensitive element of the detectors. This paper examines the problem of changing the sensitivity of receivers of this type when their own temperature changes (temperature effect). Using a test bench based on a single-channel model of scientific equipment and a black body simulator, the linear section of the temperature dependence of the receiver was determined. A method for compensating the temperature effect of optoacoustic converters Golay cell has been developed and the results of its testing on a test bench are presented. This technique will be useful in the development of scientific equipment based on Golay cells, the operation of which is expected under conditions of temperature changes in the surrounding space.
FSUE VNIIMS All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service