Choi Yoo-Jeong,Choi Su-Gil,Kim Si-Kuk
This study attempted to design a scenario to improve a fire safety manager's actual fire response-ability based on elements that may occur in actual fire situations. The scenario was linked with revised educational subjects, starting with fire recognition, propagation, occupant evacuation guidance, use of fire extinguishers and indoor (outdoor) fire hydrants considering combustion characteristics, and protection safety. Finally, it covered fire brigade induction and police handover. The scenario demonstrates the procedures to respond to fire from the fire safety manager's perspective and includes seven stages. These are fire outbreaks, fire situation propagation, initial fire extinguishing, evacuation guidance, firefighting facility operation and action, protective measures and first aid, fire brigade guidance, and collaboration. The study concluded that it would be helpful to improve the fire safety manager's decision-making ability to respond to critical situations and prepare for recurring diverse situations by developing scenarios by utilizing fire safety manager instructional and practical training.
Ministry of Science and ICT
National Fire Agency
Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering