Long-term dynamics of resistance to occupational burnout in pedagogical staff of different types of educational institutions


Kalynychenko I.O., ,Latina H.O.,


Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the level of professional burnout among teachers of educational institutions of various types in the long-term dynamics, taking into account the forms of work organization. Materials and methods: During 2008 - 2021 the level of occupational burnout was monitored in 852 pedagogical workers of the Sumy region. The study was carried out according to the method of V. V. Boyko «Diagnostics of the level of occupational burnout». The study included three stages. In 2008, 420 teachers of secondary education institutions were surveyed. In 2020, 342 teachers of preschool and primary schools were examined. In 2021, 85 teachers of secondary education institutions were examined. In 2021, the organization of the educational process was taken into account. It included an online format in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, taking into account a history of coronavirus disease. Results: During the entire observation period, a low level of occupational burnout prevailed among teaching staff. Over the years, there has been a steady trend in the spread of the average level of occupational burnout, which has a negative sign of a protracted course with regular symptoms. The dependence of the development of the general syndrome of occupational burnout on age was established (r=-0,87, p<0,01). In 2008, occupational burnout was formed at the expense of teachers aged 31-40 years old. In recent years of observation, all levels of occupational burnout were formed at the expense of teachers aged 51 years old and more. Thus, the teachers retained the features of the psycho-emotional state with manifestations of occupational burnout after twelve years of observation and formed groups with high occupational burnout at the time of the re-examination. As of February 2021, 63,53% of teaching staff in the observation group had a history of coronavirus disease. Regardless of this, there was a general tendency among pedagogical workers for the advantage of low and medium levels of occupational burnout over high. A high level of professional burnout among teachers who underwent COVID-19 (9,26±0,95 %) was recorded in 3,64%, which is less than the same group of teachers (with a high level of professional burnout) without a history of COVID-19 (12,90±1,34 %, t=2,21, p<0,05). It has been established that the development of professional burnout is not associated with the psycho-emotional state of the coronavirus disease, since the main factors in the formation of professional burnout are the organizational factors of the labor process. Conclusions: During 2008-2021, teachers experienced an increase in the rate of development of occupational burnout. The dependence of occupational burnout on age has been established.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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