Lonzabac GA biocide standardization in air based on marker volatile compound


Turkina V.A.ORCID, ,Tretiakova O.V.,Kuzminov B.P.,Zhuk S.Sh., , ,


Lonzabac GA (active ingredient – cocopropylenediamineguanidine acetate) is used as basic component in manufacturing surface and medical instrument disinfectants. In Ukraine, disinfectants are subject to sanitary standardization and obtaining of marketing authorization. Given that the active ingredient Lonzabac GA is non-volatile, the question came up of detecting volatile compounds that can get into the air during its use, with subsequent establishment of a marker compound to be used to monitor the air quality. The objective of this paper was to study the toxicity of LONZABAC GA at laboratory animals with various routes of exposure as part of sanitary standardization and to justify the drug administration standard based on marker volatile compound. To this end the sanitary and chemical, toxicological, and statistical research methods were used. Results: Lonzabac GA classifies as hazard class 3 in terms of acute oral toxicity. It has no skin resorptive effect. Lonzabac GA has dermal and mucous membranes irritating action. Significant cumulative activity. It cause no body sensitization. Lonzabac GA, when used as disinfectant component, does not form drug aerosol, instead, an isopropyl alcohol migrates from the drug into the air. No LС50 was reached in acute ingestion experiment. The experimental animals showed no clinical signs of intoxication, changes in biochemical and hematological parameters during chronic inhalation study. Conclusions: Therefore, it is advisable to monitor air quality both during manufacture and use of Lonzabac GA based on concentration of marker compound – isopropyl alcohol.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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