Information and communication technologies in the development strategy of the national public health system in Ukraine


,Homenko I.M.,Cheshko Ya.V.,


Goal of study: to identify the key directions in the development strategy of transformative changes in the information and communication support of the national public health system of Ukraine. Object and methods of study: the analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents at both the national and global levels concerning the prospects of digitizing information and communication technologies in the public health system and strategy for transformative processes in the modernization of the healthcare sector. Results: based on the generalization of the scientific literature and legal acts of the national and international levels, the main directions of the strategic development of the national public health system of Ukraine in the reconstruction period until 2030 have been determined. The features of the challenges of the global situation in the country as a result of the large-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation, the experience gained by the public health system of Ukraine in the fight against the epidemic of COVID-19 established the role and significance of the digital information and communication system for preserving the life and health of the population, the security of the country in general, the development of urgent and long-term measures to ensure sanitary and epidemic well-being. Conclusions: the information base of Ukraine’s public health system is a state information resource maintained by the main expert institution in the field and replenished in accordance with the Procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, serving as the central information repository for the registry of the population's health status, sanitary-epidemiological well-being and indicators of the living environment in the country. Identifying and assessing health risk factors, developing immediate and long-term measures for preventing and eliminating harmful determinants of the health, informing the public, and forecasting a safe situation are integral operational functions of the public health system, as stipulated by the Law of Ukraine «On the Public Health System». The role and significance of the digital development of the public health information system should be clearly defined in the Concept of Informatization of the Healthcare System of Ukraine No. 1671-r dated December 28, 2020.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

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