1. 1. Fera M.O., Fera O.V., Kryvanych V.M., Kostenko S.B., Keniuk A.T., Starenkyi A.R. et al. Doslidzhennia vplyvu faktoriv ryzyku (tsukrovyi diabet, zbalansovanist rezhymu kharchuvannia, hihiiena rotovoi porozhnyny) na vynyknennia heneralizovanoho parodontytu v osib vikom 45-55 rokiv sered naselennia m. Uzhhorod ta Uzhhorodskoho raionu [The Research of the Influence of the Risk Factors (Diabetes Mellitus, Balanced Diet Mode, Oral Hygiene) on the Occurrence of Generalized Periodontitis in People Aged from 45 to 55 Years Among the Population of Uzhgorod and Uzhgorod District]. Problemy klinichnoi pediatrii. 2020 ; 4 : 25-33 (in Ukrainian).
2. 2. Fera M.O., Fera O.V., Kryvanych V.M., Bilyschuk L.M., Kostenko S.B., Kryvanych A.V. et al. Analysis of Environmental and Person-Oriented Factors Influenceon Dental Caries Intensity among Children Population of Transcarpathia. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. 2020 ; 13(14) : 1326-1333.
3. 3. Fera O.V., Kostenko E., Fera M.O., Dyachuk K.G., Kukharchuk L.V., Kohut E.G. et al. Osoblyvosti zviazkiv faktoriv dovkillia iz zakhvoriuvanistiu na pulpit v osib vikom vid 15 do 17 rokiv sered naselennia m. Uzhhorod ta Uzhhorodskoho raionu [Features of Relations Between Environmental Factors and Pulpitis Rate in Persons Aged 15 to 17 Years Among the Population of Uzhgorod Uzhgorod District]. Problemy klinichnoi pediatrii. 2017 ; 1-2 :103-108 (in Ukrainian).
4. 4. Fera M.O., Fera O.V., Kryvanych V.M., Foros A.I., Kukharchuk L.V. Osoblyvosti vplyvu sotsialno-hihiienichnykh faktoriv na formuvannia stomatolohichnoi zakhvoriuvanosti orhaniv rotovoi porozhnyny u zhyteliv nyzynnoi zony Zakarpattia [Features of the Effect of Social-Hygienic Factors on the Formation of the Dental Disease in the Oral Cavity in the Residents of the Lower Zone of Transcarpathia]. Problemy klinichnoi pediatrii. 2019 ; 2 (44) : C. 6-12 (in Ukrainian).
5. 5. Fera O., Kostenko Ye., Fera M., Krivanich V., Kukharchuk L., Kohut E., Penzelik I. et al. Vzaiemozviazok osoblyvostei ta rezhymu kharchuvannia, sposobu zhyttia, chynnykiv dovkillia iz zakhvoriuvanistiu na pulpit u pidlitkiv 15-17 rokiv v Uzhhorodi ta Uzhhorodskomu raioni [Features and Interaction Mode Diet, Lifestyle, Environmental Factors with the Incidence of Pulpitis in Adolescents Aged 15-17 Years in Uzhgorod and Uzhgorod District]. Problemy kharchuvannia [One health and nutritions problems of Ukraine]. 2016 ; 2 : 58-68 (in Ukrainian).