The methodological issues of questionnaire survey in the environmental-and-hygienic research


Antomonov M.Yu.ORCID, , ,


Currently, questionnaire surveys are becoming increasingly popular in the environmental- and -hygienic research. However, more often questionnaires are designed without adherence to the clear requirements developed for the questionnaire survey in sociological research, so the effectiveness of such surveys is quite low, the level of mathematical processing of the results is primitive, and the results may be unreliable. Objective:Wesystematizedtheapproachesusedfortheorganizationofsurveyandquestionnairedesign, consideredtheircorrectnessandexpediencyintheenvironmental-and-hygienicresearch, proposedmathematicalprocessingmethodstoimprovetheefficiencyofsurveyandtoachievethereliabilityoftheresults. The methods and approaches to the performance of survey, questionnaire design technologies, methods of mathematical processing of the survey results and analysis of data were the subject of the study. Results: Different types of questionnaire survey were considered. The criteria of questionnaires quality were formulated. The requirements for the organization and conduction of the survey were summarized. The basic requirements to the questionnaire structure and question formulations are presented. Different answer options were considered and systematized. Various adequate methods for mathematical processing of the questionnaire result data are offered. The variantsofthesurveyperformance arepresented. Conclusions: To increase the effectiveness of the survey, it is necessary to meet the mandatory requirements for its organization, design of the questionnaires and formulation of the questions. Obtaining of maximum information by the results of the survey is only possible with a use of adequate mathematical methods and appropriate software.Online survey is a modern way of the conduction of the environmental-and-hygienic research, which allows you to perform it quickly, efficiently, with an unlimited coverage of the population and obtain the reliable results.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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