About radiocarbon in environmental researches in Ukraine


Buzynnyi M.G., ,


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Reference26 articles.

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4. 4. Buzynnyy M.G., Los I.P., Zelenskiy A.V., Kovalyukh N.N. and Skripkin V.V. O vozmozhnoy korrelyatsii urovney C-14 v rastitelnosti s I-131 v shchitovidnoy zheleze posle avarii na ChAES [On a Possible Correlation of C-14 Levels in Vegetation with I-131 in the Thyroid Gland after the Accident at the ChNPP]. In : Aktualnyye problemy likvidatsii meditsinskikh posledstviy avarii na Chernobylskoy AES: tez. nauch.-prakt. konf. [CurrentProblems of the Elimination of the Medical Consequences of the Accidentat the Chernobyl NPP: Thesis of the Sci.-Pract.Conf. ]. Kiev ; 1993; 1 : 48 - 49 (in Russian).

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