Labor potential of the regions of Ukraine: medical and demographic, socio-economic, educational and qualification aspects


Prokopenko N.O.


The article substantiates the main problems affecting the state and development of the labor potential of Ukrainian regions and the state as a whole: demographic, psychophysiological, social, economic, educational. Theoretical and methodological aspects and the evolution of approaches to the study of essence and assessment of the labor potential of the region are highlighted. The author’s approach to the interpretation of the structure of the labor potential of the region with the justification of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics is proposed, methodological tools for assessing the state of the labor potential of the region are developed. The methodology was tested on official statistical data on the regions of Ukraine for 2019. Based on the obtained integral characteristics, the Ukrainian regions were grouped taking into account the qualitative and quantitative components of the labor potential. The results of the study can be used in the course of the implementation of the regional policy. Keywords: labor potential of the region, characteristics of labor potential, combined approach, comprehensive assessment, state regional policy.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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