On the relevance of the introduction of gluten-free school meals


Petrenko O.D.ORCID, ,Hulich M.P.ORCID,Liubarska L.S.ORCID, , ,


The purpose of the study was to determine the possibility of providing children who need a gluten-free diet with appropriate nutrition in the conditions of a general secondary education institution. Research materials and methods. A sociological survey of parents was conducted regarding the main problems of providing nutrition to children who need dietary nutrition in the conditions of a general educational institution. The development of the sample diet was carried out on the basis of approved and published on the website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "Technological maps of dishes and drinks intended for the organization of school meals", as well as recipes and technological maps of dishes from other official printed sources, taking into account the requirements of current regulatory documents and dietary recommendations. The calculation of the daily set of products, food and energy value was carried out taking into account data from the tables of the chemical composition of products and the norms of physiological needs of different age groups of children. The results. According to the results of the conducted research, the possibility and expediency of developing a menu for the organization of gluten-free food in the conditions of general secondary education institutions was determined. A sample menu for organized nutrition of children of different age groups has been developed, taking into account the requirements of current regulatory documents. The compliance of the developed menu with the requirements of the current regulatory documents on the product set, indicators of nutritional and energy value has been proven. Conclusions. The results of the work indicate the possibility and expediency of developing a menu for the organization of food for children with special dietary needs in the conditions of a general secondary education institution, which will facilitate the child's socialization and help him integrate into society.


Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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