General sequence establishment of geological Precambrian events and associating formations, which were created in them, to the results of isotope age definition, is the task, which has no single valued solution for southwestern part of the Ukrainian Shield. Important is to create a general development model, which will describe the modern geological structure of an area, structural and textural rocks features, accounting PT-conditions in the Earth's crust during the Archean—Paleoproterozoic.
Isotopic age determination demonstrates, that from the moment of protolith creation (not later than 3.75 billion years ago, up to 1.9 billion years ago), intrusion of mantle melts and partial melting of the lower crustal rocks, occurred many times over. Pobuzhie formation cannot be imagined, as a single process of accumulation, plunge, crumpling into folds and sedimentary strata metamorphism. It is necessary, to take into account, the plume (mantle) component of the general geodynamic process.
In the structure of the Bug megablock and Golovanevskaya suture zone, two main structural plans are displayed. The main part of the territory displays a region of areal distribution of Archean enderbites (generated 2.8 billion years ago) and Proterozoic granites (generated 2.03 billion years ago). The paper compares the temperature distribution with depth, corresponding to the thermal model of the metamorphic temperatures found in the samples, and the solidus temperatures of the basic rocks. It is shown that at the time of the metamorphism development, 2.0 billion years ago, the rocks were at a depth of more than 20 km, and before that — at an even greater depth. During the Archean and Paleoproterozoic, the center of partial melting was repeatedly renewed here, since the temperatures were higher than the solidus temperature of gabbro. Metamorphic changes (and more often migmatization, partial melting and following crystallization in the granulite facies conditions) happened after the presence of the thermal asthenosphere on the core—mantle border, and were accompanied by bringing the substance from it. Therefore the main part of modern surface is folded by palingenic granites. In Archean and Paleoproterozoic the composition of substances were different.
After 2.0 billion years ago the level of modern surface was located higher. The second structural plan is presented with vertical structures, building of which often close to concentrically zonal or linear monoclinal. They are confined to fault zones and nodes of their intersections. These structures contain rock complexes, which did not occur until 2.0 billion years ago on any craton in the world.
Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by S.I. Subbotin name