Influence of Technological Innovations on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan.


Mach Wuoi Jacob,Olweny Tobias,Weda Charles


The researcher aim was to ascertain what exactly affects the financial performance of Commercial banks in Central Equatorial State, South Sudan, a case of KCB South Sudan, African National bank, Ecobank-South Sudan, CFC Stanbic Bank-South Sudan, Ethiopian Commercial Bank-South Sudan and Ivory Bank branches in Juba. There are numerous elements that affect performance, this study focused on technological innovations that are thought to drive financial performance. The study was divided into three main common areas that have recently caught the attention of the banking industry namely internet banking, agency banking and mobile banking that affect the financial performance of KCB South Sudan, African Nation bank, Ecobank-South Sudan, CFC Stanbic Bank-South Sudan and  Ethiopian Commercial Bank-South Sudan in Central Equatorial State. Central Equatoria State has been chosen since it hosts Juba as the capital City and an epicenter of numerous commercial activities. The study’s specific objectives were to determine the influence of agency banking, mobile banking, Automated Teller Machines and debit and credit cards on financial performance of commercial banks in Central Equatorial State. The study employed a descriptive research design. The study targeted population of 294 respondents. The sample size was 169 staff of KCB South Sudan, African Nation bank, Ecobank-South Sudan, CFC Stanbic Bank-South Sudan, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia-South Sudan and Ivory Bank spread across the branches in Juba, Central Equatoria State. Respondents were selected using purposive random sampling. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data from respondents while secondary data was obtained from the annual financial reports from KCB South Sudan, African Nation bank, Ecobank-South Sudan, CFC Stanbic Bank-South Sudan, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia-South Sudan and Ivory Bank of South Sudan. Measures of central tendencies were used to describe the results and data was presented using graphs charts and tables. The influence of dependent and independent variable was depicted by use of multiple regression. The study found that agency banking significantly influences performance of commercial banks in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan (β= 0.889; p=0.000). The study revealed that mobile banking significantly influences performance of commercial banks in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan (β= 0.613; p=0.000). The study established that automated teller machines significantly influences performance of commercial banks in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan (β= 0.744; p=0.000). The study found that debit and credit cards significantly influences performance of commercial banks in Central Equatoria State, South Sudan (β= 0.640; p=0.000). The study concluded agency banking, mobile banking, automated teller machines and debit and credit cards significantly influences financial performance of commercial banks in Central Equatorial State, South Sudan. The study recommended that commercial banks in South Sudan should ensure that bank agent’s guarantees security of data and information that is operated on the agency banking platform. The study recommends that commercial banks in South Sudan should work with regulatory authorities to establish a clear and comprehensive regulatory framework for agency banking including guidelines on risk management, customer protection, and agent licensing. The study also recommends that commercial banks in South Sudan should implement stringent security protocols and fraud prevention mechanisms for ATMs.  


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