1. Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
The analysis of the functions and results of strategic management of the development of the region was carried out, which showed that goal-setting becomes its most important function, and the main result is a system of goals and strategies for regional development. Strategic processes in the region require the presence of strategic goals, the creation of a mechanism for their transformation into strategies and strategic actions that provide access to capital of different levels and the competitiveness of the region as a unification of the goals of stakeholders. The analysis of the region as a state-territorial entity, as a system, as an organization, as a subject of strategic management, was carried out, which made it possible to develop a system of relevant concepts of the region and use a comprehensive methodology for studying the strategic goal-setting of the development of the region on a system-dialectical basis. As a result of using this methodology to analyze the region as a subject of development, the nature, factors of the formation of economic subjectivity and the products of its activity are determined. The main products of the region's activities are: the competitiveness of the region and its subsystems: social, economic, managerial, environmental, infrastructural, institutional, security; competitive public goods; competitive resources and potentials of the region. Thus, the concept of a region as a subject of economic development is based on the integration of the properties of a region as a state-territorial entity, system, organization, subject of strategic goal-setting. The region as a subject of economic development is a territorial-organizational economic system that has multi-level governing bodies and a system of goals, providing a functional dominant of the progress of population reproduction, entrepreneurship and potential in the interests of present and future generations within a single state, taking into account a dynamic external environment. Thus, the authorities should integrate the generalized goals of the region as a whole, organize the purposefulness of the population and other subjects of the region and form "their" goals within the framework of state federal goals of a higher level.
V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University
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Cited by
1 articles.
1. DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS: FROM THE MODEL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH TO THE MODEL OF HEALTHY SMART SPECIALIZATION;Scientific Notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Economy and Management;2021