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2. Website of HB magazine (2019). De hrosham lezhaty. Chy vyhidno zaraz vidkryvaty bankivski depozyty [Where the money lies. Is it profitable to open bank deposits now]. Available at: https://nv.ua/ukr/biz/finance/depozit-v-banku-chomu-zaraz-vigidno-vidkrivati-depoziti-novini-ukrajini-50033908.html (accessed: 06 December 2019).
3. Website of the National Bank of Ukraine (2019). Ukrainskyi indeks stavok za depozytamy fizychnykh osib [Ukrainian Index of Rates on Deposits of Individuals]. Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/files/UIRD.xls (accessed: 06 December 2019).
4. Website of the National Bank of Ukraine (2019). Osnovni pokaznyky diialnosti bankiv Ukrainy [Key performance indicators of Ukrainian banks]. Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=34661442 (accessed: 06 December 2019).
5. Website of the Gidmining online magazine (2019). Gde i v kakoj valjute luchshe razmestit' depozit v 2019. Analiz procentnyh stavok ukrainskih bankov [Where and in what currency is it best to place a deposit in 2019. Analysis of interest rates of Ukrainian banks]. Available at: https://gidmining.com/ru/procentnie-stavki-po-depozitam/ (accessed: 06 December 2019).