The content of nitric oxide and S-nitrosothiols in rats’ liver cells under the different supplementation of macronutrient


Kopylchuk Halyna1ORCID,Nykolaichuk Ivanna1ORCID,Kuziak Olesiia1


1. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


This paper presents studies of nitric oxide and low-molecular S-nitrosothiols in the mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions of the rats' liver under the conditions of, alimentary protein deprivation, consumption of excess sucrose content and combined action of two adverse factors. In order to model the low-protein diet of the animal for 28 days received an isocaloric diet containing 4.7% protein, 10% fat, 81,3% carbohydrates (starch – 37%, sucrose – 30%, cellulose – 5%) and was calculated in accordance with the recommendations of the American Institute of Nutrition. The high-sugar diet consisted of 14% protein, 10% fat, 72% carbohydrates (starch – 37%, sucrose – 30%, cellulose – 5%). The mitochondrial and cytosolic fraction of rat liver cells were obtained by the method of differential centrifugation. Nitrogen oxide content was assessed by a unified method by determining the NO2- content, which is a stable metabolite of nitric oxide. Since NO is inactivated into an oxidase reaction with the conversion into nitrite or nitrate that is quickly metabolized, the nitrogen oxide content was assessed by the change in NO2-. The concentration of S-nitrosothiols was recorded, respectively, by determining the concentration of nitrite anion before and after the addition of Hg2+ ions, which by modifying the S – N bonds catalyzes the release of S-nitrosyl thiols of nitric oxide. An increase in NO content in both hepatic subcellular fractions of the rats’ experimental groups compared to control values was found. However, a lack of protein in the diet (protein deficiency in the diet leads to an increase in nitric oxide levels in 3-4 times) can be considered as a key factor in the recorded changes in the mitochondria of the animals’ liver, while in the cytosol - excessive consumption of sucrose (3-5 times increase). Regarding the level of S-nitrosothiols, in the studied fractions, multidirectional changes in their concentration were found. Thus, an increase in the content of nitrosyl derivatives in the mitochondria of rat’s liver cells with a simultaneous decrease in their level in the cytosol indicates dysmetabolic disorders in the transport system and deposition of nitric oxide, which can lead to the development of nitrosative stress under the experimental conditions.


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

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