The paper examines the concept of enumeration from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, focusing on economic discourse as its subject matter. Enumeration serves as a tool for organizing and representing professional conceptual information. This cognitive approach to the study of enumeration involves analyzing both homogeneous and heterogeneous enumerative sequences. In economic discourse, homogeneous enumerative series consist of elements within the same semantic field, typically representing economic sectors of human activity. Conversely, heterogeneous enumerative series indicate the intersection of various spheres of human activity within the economic context.The structure of enumerative series in economic discourse has two main components: linear and hierarchical. The linear structure is characterized by elements arranged in direct sequence. In this study, linear enumerations are identified by the presence of two or more elements, with the most effective and accurate information transfer occurring in three-component structures. Additionally, the study notes enumerative block. As a result of the enumerative elements of the main enumerative series is subdivided into a subordinate system were defined series analysis such domains of the economic cases where a sentence contains multiple enumerative series. In case of a hierarchical structure one of the as: the processes domain, the institutes domain, the instruments domain and the indicators domain. The institutes domain is analysed in this paper. The study of homogeneous enumerative series within the institutes domain facilitates differentiation of institutions by type and form of economic activity. The types identified include financial institutions, companies (such as insurance companies and private non-farm establishments), with cooperatives serving as one form of organizational activity. The analysis of heterogeneous enumerative series revealed a more varied set of institutional types, encompassing companies like insurance companies, along with various organizational forms of economic activity, such as partnerships, trade unions, and trade associations. Overall, this research establishes the role of both homogeneous and heterogeneous enumerative series in structuring texts and conceptualizing content within economic discourse.
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
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