Mercury's xenolandscapes


Kyryliuk SerhiiORCID


The scientific understanding of such features of xenolandscape formation has been carried out, which corresponds to the filling of the scientific-cognitive synthesis of knowledge about this process with all available information appropriate to various natural sciences. At the beginning of awareness, this synthesis is xenoplanetological, with subsequent search and target xenolandscape interpretation and cartographic representation of characteristic, typical local and regional xenolandscape formations of Mercury. Predominantly medium-scale maps of such representations are, first of all, a reflection of local objects of xenoplanet landscape science. Moreover, these reflected objects are out-of-rank, that is, they have not yet been determined with respect to the ranks of xenolandscape formations, similarly formed due to the synergy of influences and interactions of different strengths, but genetically the same initial xenolandscape-forming factors of material and energy-field xenonaturals. Whatever the general diversity of xenolandscape objects of other lithospheric planets, not the Earth, no matter how plentiful and diverse their inventory list may seem, the cosmic conditions for their appearance and the acquisition of their final forms are not rank-limited and, at the same time, essentially not differentiated - they are the same: meteorite falls , the most common example. Therefore, it is unrealistic and impossible to give even an approximate possible rank «link forward» of certain xenolandscape formations and present them as «mainly local» or «mainly lower regional» or even planetary ranks, now and further. This is due to the absence of many landscape-forming factors that are effective within the terrestrial nature, geocomponent and geofactorial, that is, material and predominantly energy, the activity of which is reduced almost to zero. But at the same time, the rank identification of each formation in particular, among all the available xenolandscape objects, is still possible – and this is not a self-contradiction here. In each specific case, and under each expressive illustration with a photo image or a model of such a xenolandscape formation, with its fixed spatial parameters (linear scale), the rank of the displayed formation is determined and indicated here under each figure. The specificity of xenolandscape interpretations of the nature of the terrestrial lithospheric planets is a greater and more accessible performance for the synthesis of knowledge about local and regional landscape formations of xenoplanets using cartographic rather than verbal scientific models. Syntheses-descriptions of xenolandscape formations, typical for landscape scientists, are still waiting for an effective search for their scientific content. Keywords: Mercury, planet, xenolandscape.


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


General Medicine

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