1. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujrat
For oral pharmaceutical products to achieve high bioavailability and minimal variability, the API must dissolve and be stable in the GI media as well as sufficiently absorb at pertinent sites in the large intestine and small intestine. The possibility for API absorption from any dosage form is determined by an important biopharmaceutical parameter known as regional intestine effective permeability. For effective estimation of the manufacturing potential of a dosage form, it is especially crucial to understand the quantity of drug absorption from the human large intestine. Drug development is difficult because enhancing a drug's solubility, dissolution, and bioavailability is challenging. Among the four classes of the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) major work has been done on the low soluble drugs. In recent years poor solubility has been a major challenge for pharmaceutical scientists and a lot of experimental works are ongoing. Changing polymorphic forms by different new approaches and increase in the surface area is a widely used and comparatively simple method for increasing solubility and making the drug more bioavailable. For achieving the desired effects, permeability (intestinal absorption) is also playing an important role like solubility, but the focus of scientists is less on the permeability enhancement of low permeable drugs in respect of solubility. Sometimes it has been tried but with very limited success. The objective of this paper to provide a comprehensive review on improving solubility, release and intestinal absorption of low soluble and low permeable drugs with a combined novel approach of solubility and absorption enhancement. The ability to produce high soluble and high permeable drugs will grow significantly in the coming years and this will help to grow the revenue of the innovators as well as generic pharmaceutical companies.
Keywords: Absorption, Bioavailability, Dissolution, Duodenum, Gastrointestinal tract, Gastrointestinal transit time, Gastroretention, Milling, Permeability, Poorly water-soluble drug(s), Polymer(s), Solvent evaporation, Spray drying
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences Society (PHSS)