1. University of Siauliai, Lithuania
2. Šiauliai University, Lithuania
3. Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania
The problems of higher university education are not only urgent but, it can be asserted, that due to many reasons they are getting sharper. The dynamism of labour market and always changing society require flexible, innovative and creative lifelong learning possibilities; higher education institutions do not limit themselves to primary preparation of specialists, the possibilities ought to be found for the development of specialists and professionals, for specialisation change, for the development of personal abilities and for expansion of high level professional competences. Continuing education at universities is becoming more and more urgent in the Strategic priorities of European education. It is necessary to seek for high scientific activity and high study level and for the results acknowledged on an international level. On the other hand, the competition among universities is evidently getting stronger both on national and international levels. Very often blind orientation only to a consumer (a student), only to service provision to him, make the quality of studies and at the same time the quality of acquirable education worse.
The solution of any problem requires reliable and adequate information. The researches, regarding university students’ opinions on higher education problems do not lose their urgency. On the contrary, in this way rather objective primary information about processes taking place in this sector is obtained. The empiric research (N=544), carried out in January-February 2012, showed that student opinions on higher university education are controversial, in fact. Having carried out content analysis on the respondents’ expressed positions, considerable advantages and disadvantages of university studies were discerned.
Education acquisition and good study quality are pointed out as the most important university education advantages. These positions have relatively the biggest weight among all categories defining the advantages. Self-realisation and career possibilities occupy the middle position in the advantage category scale. Their weight fluctuates in the interval of 10-20 percent. Communication possibilities and study management are not regarded as considerable advantages.
It has been stated, that a considerable shortage of university education is study quality. One third of the respondents gave the biggest weight to that category. It can be asserted, that study quality and conditions for practical ability formation in the study process worry the respondents most. Evaluating study quality, the respondents most often express dissatisfaction with the overloading of the study content: a lot of insignificant subjects must be studied, too many unnecessary lectures, inexpedient lectures, poor lectures, worthless; a lot of unnecessary study programmes and so on. A part of respondents accentuate dissatisfaction with the teachers’ work: poor competence of some teachers, unfair student evaluation, the requirements raised are too high.
It can be asserted, that university studies are more often understood as experience process, during which theoretical and practical knowledge are integrated and on this basis professional experience is acquired and professionalism is mastered.
Key words: survey, empiric research, qualitative analysis, university education.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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