1. Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania
This research deals with the influence of speed reading to primary school pupils' leadership. This topic is relevant for schools constantly ongoing changes that are associated with modern society, therefore teaching Lithuanian language is a very difficult job that requires patience and good didactic knowledge. Child’s education in today’s busy, complex and constantly changing world is also controversial, because qualities such as initiative, ability to work with others, openness, communication skills, flexibility and adaptability become especially important. In this case, leadership is the basic skill that you need to develop instead of suppressing at the early age. The present era requires necessary provisions. This particular period requires modernization of training institutions as well as the shift to a more integrated work and effort to provide a more personalized teaching and learning strategies. One of these indicators is speed reading techniques and instruments. The term “speed reading” is not very frequent, but this is the main learning strategy. Reading should be understood as an ongoing and constantly developing ability. Speed Reading improves cognitive powers, sharpens critical thinking skills and enhances problem-solving skills. The paper reveals a close primary school students' leadership and speed reading interface.
Subject – the influence of speed reading seeking to encourage students‘ leadership.
Main research questions:
1. How speed reading methodologies can promote student’s leadership?
2. What kind of influence for educating the reading skills of the classroom kids has the general level of reading achievement?
Summarizing the analysis of the research data, it can be argued that the ability to read children with a leadership character is advanced because they are also cultivated in the family even before they go to school. All subjects have an early reading comprehension in the family. A behavioural change has been reported in a vibrant expression of leadership: high motivation, autonomy, operational planning, help each other. Speed reading techniques: hypertext, text linking colors Aurasma program is innovative, motivating children to operate independently and helps maintain a higher concentration of time, the less distracting. It is also noted that speed reading instruments, which are systematically adjusted according to the reader's age and reading target may be treated as curriculum differentiation, higher thinking skills training. It is also noted that the tools for rapid reading, which are systematically matched according to the reader's age and the purpose of reading, can help to differentiate the content of education, to develop students' advanced thinking abilities.
The methodology of speed reading helps to develop children's leadership, which is manifested in: cooperation, democracy, responsibility, planning of activities, and responsible learning. Foreign researchers' perceptions coincide with the study's conclusion that quick reading motivates students, helps them plan activities, and develop creativity in the search for information
Keywords: leadership, speed reading methodology, primary school education.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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