1. University of Šiauliai, Lithuania
In order to enhance the quality of teaching of science subjects, consistent and systematic development of the learning environment is necessary, i.e. preparing new training (learning) resources and systematic teacher training is very important. The project "Improvement of science teachers competence of experimental performance based on updated learning tools and general training programs of grades 9-12” (GAMEK) was designed to address this problem. Project goal - improvement of physics, chemistry, biology teachers’ competency of experimental performance. Project Coordinator - Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, the partners – Šiauliai University and Vytautas Magnus University. This article presents the activities of the project “GAMEK” and computerized experiments in science teaching. More than 300 physics, chemistry and biology teachers from various schools of Lithuania have been trained to perform experimental activities, to master new computerized teaching labs (Nova5000, Xplorer GLX) and inquiry-based science teaching. Electronic physics, chemistry and biology teacher's books and lab folders, which are intended to help teachers to prepare for and carry out laboratory work lesson, using digital tools, have been developed.
Key words: competence of experimental performance, science education, teacher training, computer based experiment.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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