1. Vilnius University, Lithuania
Thanks to the project "Providing Schools with Natural and Technological Sciences", for the implementation of which funds from the European Union Structural Funds and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania were allocated, in 2018 685 schools received collections of useful minerals. The collection contains 14 useful minerals: sand, quartzose sand (silica sand), sand-gravel raw material, clay, sapropelithe (sapropelic coal), limestone, chalk marl (marlstone), dolomite, peat, earth oil (oil, petroleum, naphta), amber, flint (chert), gypsum, granite.
The purpose of this article is to show:
How the whole collection can be used in natural science lessons;
As examples of individual useful minerals;
How to use it to integrate into biology, natural and human, chemistry, physics, technology, mathematics, knowledge of the world, IT and other subjects.
Available options for lessons are offered for each useful mineral.
Keywords: museum of geology, Vilnius University, natural science education, geology, education, collection of useful minerals, division for teachers.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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