1. Siauliai University, Natural Science Education Research Centre, Lithuania
Natural Science Education improvement remains one of the most important current challenges in education system. In general, 21st century raises new challenges for Natural science, Mathematics, Technology teachers. Young generation interest in Natural Sciences and Technology is poor. It is predicted that in not so far future, a shortage of qualified specialists will be felt in this sphere. It is obvious, that Natural science and Technology education basics is being formed in general education school. How to strengthen the pupils’ Natural science and Technology learning motivation, to increase their interest? This is one of the most important questions of today’s education. On the other hand, improvement has to be carried out in different directions. Not only motivation strengthening is important, but also creating proper educational environments (spoken here about green environment, so-called outdoor didactics, teacher competence and so on). Extra didactic material preparation for teachers becomes an urgent question. It is very important to help teachers prepare for practical work lessons and to give them, using ordinary and digital devices for the performance of practical-experimental works.
In this analysis, a didactic scenario is presented realising an interdisciplinary – integral teaching/learning. The investigated topic is “Juice properties”. Natural sciences and Mathematics teachers’ collaboration possibilities are revealed.
Key words: interdisciplinary relations, natural science education, titration, vitamin C.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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