1. Siauliai University, Lithuania
Natural science and technology education is an inseparable part of general education. It is obvious, that this process embraces a rather wide group of people, according to the age – from the birth till the completion of general education. It is a very important period, during which a certain natural science and technology education is acquired. It might seem that rather many scientific, methodical, didactic and other articles, books have been written, analyzing NSTE problems. On the other hand, NSTE process continues, (has to be continued) further on. Of course, speaking about university and other level studies, a further education is different both according to the size and length and the other parameters.
Though natural science and technology education is reformed in Lithuania, however, the results are not very pleasing. An urgent task remains for the whole educational community, how to achieve that natural science and technology subjects were attractive to the pupils that they tried to relate their future career with natural sciences and technology. It is understandable, that only school is not capable to solve that complex task. The situation is determined by the country’s common political-economic and, of course, social situation. However, properly organised natural science and technology education in comprehensive school can significantly change the situation.
So, I think, and I hope, that natural science and technology education professionals, researchers, teachers, practitioners not only perceive science and technology education "resetting" meaning and necessity, but also will stay in continuous search of rational methods in the field of education change and innovation.
Key words: general education, education change, science and technology education.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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