1. Vilnius University, Lithuania
During the festive year, one does not want to talk about problems [although the situation of geological science in general education school programs has not improved, in the newly prepared textbooks (if they will be published) it continues to be pushed to the place of the most abused stepdaughter], so we are happy with the successful events of the last anniversary year. We are happy with the increasing traffic.
Not counting the visitors who participated in the previously listed events, in 2023, 230 excursions (about 4,500 visitors) came to the Museum of Geology, 48 excursions for ~930 schoolchildren with exercises (educational activities); there were themed evenings for the public + museum excursion on weekends 4, ~80 visitors. Educational classes + excursion in the museum on weekends - 10 (~190 visitors). The constantly updated display "Our latest popular achievements and latest scientific reports" (visited by ~4900). Consultations - identification of brought finds: ~300 (the number of finds varies). A total of ~5,000 visitors heard about geology (not counting TV viewers).
Keywords: anniversary, meteorite, geology museum, informal science education, Vilnius University
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
Reference7 articles.
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