1. Vilnius University, Lithuania
In the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic having started, and quarantine being introduced in the country, a transition was made to distance teaching/learning. Using online distance learning, a possibility naturally emerged for the primary school students to develop independence. And this is a very important competence part of learning how to learn. One of the most important independence criteria is - thoroughly completed work.
Research focus – 3-rd form students’ knowledge and skills working independently.
Aim – after analysing task activity worksheets, to assess students’ knowledge and skills, and to discuss students’ ability to work independently.
It was suggested for the students that they watch a film in You Tube about a common sparrow and a field sparrow. An activity worksheet was prepared, which was sent to the students by e-mail. For the preparation of the task, a day was allotted. Nineteen 3-rd form students took part in the research.
It was ascertained that some of the students lacked attentiveness searching for the similarities and differences of the analysed animals, patience carrying out the other tasks. Watching a film about a common sparrow and a field sparrow, the students acquired new knowledge about their biological peculiarities, living environment, behaviour. Answering the questions, the students already used new concepts. At the same time, they developed work with information recourses, research skills, improved comparing and confronting abilities.
Nevertheless, almost half of the students lacked thoroughness, showing their independence. It was still difficult for the students to formulate full answers, therefore they could not fully demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Girls, carrying out the tasks, were more observant and attentive than boys.
Performing the tasks, students demonstrated reproductive and productive independence. Of course, you should not limit yourself in this, and in future you should more orient yourself to the development of creative independence.
Keywords: activity worksheet, distance teaching, independent work, primary school students.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"
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