1. Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania
The research analyses the naturalistic abilities development in nature of primary pupils from third to fourth forms. This topic is very actual, because the nature pedagogy is becoming more popular nowadays. The problem appears because teachers are used to organise activities in the classrooms not in the open air. So, the main purpose of this work is teaching primary pupils in the natural environment to explore their natural abilities acquired during the learning in nature, using all senses, knowledge and experience.
In this work are analysing the results of pupils who participated in practical training. The research includes 128 pupils, 52 pupils from third form and 76 pupils from fourth form (55 girls and 76 boys). The participants of the research are from separate schools of Žvėrynas district.
The results have shown that pupils can use the information which they have got from other subjects and can use it practically, but it’s more difficult to use suitable phrases.
To sum up, it is necessary to give more tasks to do, not indoors, but in the nature. Only then the results of pupils would become markedly better.
Key words: learning in the nature, naturalistic development, nature exploring, training process.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"